Who was that guy named Noah? Was he just an old man that didn't know how to swim? Was he a guy who could only get along with animals? No - he was man of faith. A man who walked with God under some of the most unusual circumstances. Join me as we take a journey of faith to Ararat with Noah.
So often in life, we demand explanations from God; however, It's important to remember: God is much more likely to reward our obedience with an explanation than He is to give an explanation to encourage our obedience. God tested Abraham many times during his lifetime, but the greatest test came when God told Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac. Abraham did not question or resist. He simply responded in obedience.
Jochabed's journey of faith was a journey of protection, provision and purpose. It is a journey on which God leads all of His children. May we rest in his protection, trust in His provision, and live out His purposes for our lives. May we protect, provide for, and give purpose to the next generation starting out on their journey of faith as well.
Joseph saw a heavenly perspective-God meant it for good. Do you see earthly situations from a heavenly perspective? Interruptions of our plans are divine appointments. Learn to see God as the one in control. Learn to see His hand in every situation.
This lesson provides a stark contrast between two types of people on their journeys of faith. Moses experienced a glorious journey, while Aaron and the children of Israel found themselves at a grievous juncture. While Moses was enjoying a glorious encounter with God Himself, the children of Israel were impatiently choosing to worship God their own way. As we go through our week, may we remember the goodness of God in offering salvation, and may we share this good news with others!
Many Christians feel inadequate when called upon by God to lead. God gives us the example of Joshua as he is placed in a position of leadership. We will look at how God prepared him and supplied everything he needed to do what God wanted him to do as we learn to claim the resources God offers to those who seek to be used of Him.
Many of us doubt our abilities and hide behind our feelings of inadequacy. We feel that God has a destiny for us to fulfill, but through our human reasoning, we do not see how we can reach that goal. That's what your journey of faith is about. God knows what He has called you to do, and He knows exactly what qualities you need to fulfill that purpose.
He promises to supply your every need and to strengthen your confidence in Him on your journey for the faith.
It doesn't matter where you've been or what you've done. God loves you! God will save anyone who will turn to Him. Rahab was a woman of iniquity living in a land of idolatry. We, like Rahab, would also have a poor reputation if it weren't for the grace of God saving us! As Christians, we need to understand the change that salvation brings to the life of the believer. As new creatures in Christ, we ought seek to live a life of faith demonstrated by our works, as Rahab's life demonstrates.
Hannah, after earnestly praying for many years, she finally bore a son, and named him Samuel. She kept her promise to God and gave Samuel back to God to serve Him in Shiloh. Throughout his life, Samuel continued to obey and serve God. He faithfully declared righteousness and showed people the way of God.
David's journey of faith showed that he desired to serve God above all else. He spent time as a shepherd getting to know God, and he was familiar with His ways. He was a man after God's own heart and was committed to his God-given cause. Just like David, we will all face giants on our journeys. We may feel out-manned, overwhelmed, or defeated. But God is with us every step of the way. He stands ready to provide the strength and power needed for victory. And we can always find hope in the promise that Jesus is coming soon!
As Christians, we will face trials and temptations on our journeys of faith. David faced an intense trial for an extended period when King Saul was trying to kill him. His response to the trial is an example for us to follow. Later, when David became king, he faced a great temptation and chose to sin. Throughout this lesson, we examine David's life, the consequences of his sin, and the steps he followed to restore his fellowship with a holy God.
The most significant journey recorded in the Bible is the journey to the Cross. Jesus' journey to Golgotha was incredibly personal and painful. Yet His journey was wonderfully powerful, as He ultimately conquered death and the grave in an expression of love for mankind. This power is still changing lives today.
As Christians, we must constantly examine our lives in light of Bible truth. By considering the people and events surrounding Jesus' death on the Cross, we can develop an understanding of the significance of Jesus' death, burial, and resurrection. We must evaluate our spiritual journeys in light of these truths, beginning with the confidence of salvation and continuing forward in a life of righteous living.
Jesus died on the Cross and, for His followers, all hope died with Him. He was placed in a tomb, and the tomb was sealed. The crucifixion was the ultimate of shattered dreams. After days of mourning, Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of Jesus, and other ladies were making a journey to the tomb to pay their last respects to the One in whom they had placed all of their hope. By examining the events surrounding the burial and resurrection of Christ, we can understand that as we claim the promises of God and practice the presence of Christ, He can turn sorrow into joy on our journeys of faith, and transform us in the process!
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