In these thirteen lessons, Dr. Mark Rasmussen takes us on a journey with Moses from the palace to the edge of the Promised Land. Come Climb Mount Sinai and trek through the hot wilderness and Learn truths about friendship, idolatry, and Gods miraculous provision. And through it all, we will see the incredible, never failing faithfulness of a God who will be with you, every step of your journey.
Learning to Honor God
Moses, like Hezekiah and Daniel, was brought up in a palace and mentored by a ruler absolutely opposed to God's ways. Yet, his environment didn't determine his destiny. Rather, he chose to stand for the Lord and was ultimately used by God in unique and miraculous ways. No matter what your background may be, you, like Moses, can still be used of God! Consider other biblical examples of men whom God used in spite of past trials or disappointments.
Developing a Genuine Walk with God
There is no substitute for time spent alone with God. In quiet times, away from distractions and the busyness of life, God can truly speak to us and help us become more of what He wants us to be.
Listening to the Voice of God
God has a definite purpose and a detailed plan for each of our lives. We may feel incapable of doing what God wants us to do; indeed, in our own strength and wisdom we cannot fulfill God's will. But God will not send us where He cannot sustain us, and He will fully equip us for His service. Our part is to surrender and obey.
Living with Difficult People
We are often called to interact with difficult people in our lives, and often our natural tendency is to respond with frustration and anger. In this portion of Scripture, we see Moses modeling proper behavior while dealing with an antagonistic enemy. We see Moses exemplifying meekness, never personally reviling Pharaoh in spite of many provocations. Instead, Moses kept himself in submission to God and allowed Him to deal with Pharaoh in His own way and time.
Trusting God in Difficult Times
God's people see circumstances differently than the world sees them. A submissive and obedient relationship with God makes all the difference. God works in miraculous ways as His people obey His directions, and His people should rejoice in His mercy and His mighty works.
Learning the Power of Contentment
"Where God guides, God provides" is a saying spoken repeatedly but is rarely more perfectly illustrated than in this account of the miraculous provision of food sufficient for so many people in a barren wilderness. We, too, can be assured that God will meet our needs as we follow His leading in our lives.
Following the Faith of God's Leader
God's leaders who are serving from a pure heart and biblical foundation need the fellowship and support of their followers. When God's people work together and pray for God's blessing, God can and will do mighty works on their behalf.
Obeying God's Commands
God is not a selfish dictator. He knows what is best for us and does everything He can to guide us in the right ways. He has abundantly proven His love, and we should respond to that love with trust and obedience.
Living a Consecrated Life
Throughout Israel's recorded history, God not only desired to have a dwelling place among His people, He was pleased when this place was one of order and beauty. (This is a great reminder for us. It is sometimes baffling that some people would be content to see the church furnished from thrift stores while exquisitely furnishing their own homes.) King David came to the realization that his own house was more elegant than God's house and consequently began
the building of the temple.
Confession and Repentance
God had abundantly blessed His people. He brought them out of Egypt, sustained them in the wilderness, communed with them, and abode with them. But with Moses absent on the mountain, the people very quickly forgot God's goodness and instructions. When people take their eyes off the true God, they are prone to sin but the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man will always avail much (James 5:16). One man's intercession can bring God's mercy in the midst of judgment..
Cultivating Family Relationships
Relationships with family members can be a great blessing, but we all know they can be problematic at times, too! We do not choose our parents, siblings, children, or extended family members, but God has chosen them for us. So, we must trust His sovereign plan and seek to draw our loved ones closer to Him.
Leading Others
Trusting and following God is a course that must be actively chosen. Often it is not the easy or most convenient way, nor is it the way that looks the most promising to the unspiritual eye. Yet it is in faith-filled obedience that we triumph over obstacles and enter into "the things which God hath prepared for them that love him" (1 Corinthians 2:9). When we walk by sight, we forfeit the benefits of walking by faith.
Leaving a Spiritual Legacy
When we come to realize that our time is in God's hand, we begin to understand what is truly important in life. Our own relationship with God and the spiritual well-being of those we may leave behind come to the forefront of our thinking. So the awareness that the Lord could call us home to Heaven at any moment should prompt us to be prepared to go.
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