This thirteen week study, What's on Your Mind will challenge you with biblical principles and practical helps to be victorious in the struggle for your mind. Each lesson applies God's truth to this battle that every Christian fights every day.
The fascinating and complex human mind points to the evidence of its Creator. This lesson reveals how a designed creation under divine control has the capacity to make choices that lead to a successful, God-fulfilled life
Paul challenges the thinking of those who were gathered on Mars' Hill. While they were being open-minded to the pluralistic thinking of their day, Paul admonished them to "change their minds"-stop looking to lifeless idols and start looking to the living God.
This lesson teaches about the response of those on Mars' Hill to Paul's insistent and convicting plea-they didn't listen! Many people have seared consciences when it comes to hearing the truth of God's Word, and because of their deadened ears to God's plea, they mock, rebel, and turn from repentance. This lesson centers on the study of a seared conscience and the detrimental effects it can have.
While some hardened to the message of God from Paul, others heeded. Acts 17 ends on an encouraging note! Just like the few on Mars' Hill who believed God's truth, God wants to capture our minds with truth as well and bring "into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ" (2 Corinthians 10:5).
Laziness and idleness-these two qualities are far too prevalent in this generation. Students have a hard time doing their homework because they just don't feel like it. Adults are no longer as well-read because they prefer a TV sitcom over a good book. Our generation has become experts at being ignorant; however, the Apostle Paul personally demonstrates how to avoid having a lazy and idle mind. This lesson focuses on how Paul challenged his mind, searched the Scriptures, gave attendance to reading, and developed a sound mind.
Paul went to a lot of trouble to mentor Timothy in the truth of God's Word. The responsibility was now Timothy's. Instead of acting careless with the truths he had been taught, Timothy determined to cultivate truth in his heart so that he could mature spiritually.
Unlike light switches, our minds do not turn on and off instantly. Although that would be convenient, it's just not possible. Instead, we have to work on turning our minds off and keeping them closed to wrong influences. Paul was aware of this, and in 1 Timothy 4:16, he warns Timothy to pay attention! and be careful lest his mind be contaminated. We too can slip into the role of Paul's pupil and learn how to guard our minds from contamination.
In 1 Timothy 4, Paul is very specific about why it is so important to keep a closed mind. With approximately ten thousand thoughts going through our brain waves every day, it is easy for the wrong things to slip in. This lesson focuses on why having a closed mind is essential to living a Christ pleasing life.
In our modern world of technology, we undeniably need the tool of censorship. We need to put restrictions on the television, the internet, other forms of media, and the list can go on. We also need to censor something far more valuable and important-our minds! Through Spirit-filled men, the Word of God, and a hatred for sin, God shows us how to censor our minds in Ephesians 4.
When we get saved, we become new creatures in Christ. Although this is an exciting time, we must realize that we do not become perfect creatures in Christ. The struggle with sin and temptation still exists. Ephesians 4:19-20 gives us the process of how we allow sin into our minds even after salvation, and this lesson focuses on what we can do to keep our minds clean from that sin.
This lesson introduces an error-proof formula for every Christian who desires to have the mind of Christ. It encourages each Christian to please God in the sincerest way by conforming his thoughts, desires, reactions, opinions, and beliefs in such a way that emulates Christ. These three practical steps of conforming our minds are intended to motivate us to godliness and holiness.
A recent trend started with the question, "What would Jesus do?" but this study encourages students to ask, "What would Jesus think?" In the last lesson, we learned to conform our minds to Christ's, and in this lesson, we are going to learn how to use our conformed minds by developing the characteristics of a Christ-like mind.
Who doesn't want to be successful? If each person had the choice to live a meaningless life or a life overflowing with success, I guarantee that each one would choose to succeed hands down! Success is coveted, worked for, sought after, and for most, a distant dream. However, success comes from the one source that we have been studying, and it's obtainable! According to Joshua 1:8, it comes as a result of "meditating" on God's Word
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