When Jesus choose His disciples, he didn't choose ready-made spiritual giants. In fact, if you knew these guys personally, and were told they would turn the world upside down with the gospel, you would have been in disbelief. When you think of Peter, you probably think of a guy who was outspoken, spiritually immature, often petty and faithless, and severely lacking spiritual understanding. And you would be right. Yet, in only 3 years' time, Jesus transformed him into a bold preacher and leader of the early church. How did Jesus do that? And does Jesus still completely change the lives of His followers today? Can He change me? The short answer is, Yes He does! And Yes He can! In this 13 week study, we are going to follow Peter through the pages of the Gospels and discover how Jesus transformed this rough, outspoken, fisherman into a faith-filled, passionate disciple and how He can do the same for us.
Peter's education as a disciple began on a day much like any other day in the life of a fisherman. In this lesson, we see the Lord Jesus Christ making a personal call on Peter, and we see Peter responding to that call. Peter's decision at this time to follow the Lord set the course for the rest of his life.
Priorities are an integral part of daily existence. The Lord Jesus set the example of placing the will of God first and foremost in His life, and in this lesson we will see His forceful rebuke of Peter's seemingly well-meaning attempt to get Him off track from His duty to God and fallen mankind.
Gaining real faith in the Lord's capabilities is a growth process, and every believer will experience times of doubt. In this lesson, we will see people actually laughing at a proclamation of the Lord and then being astonished at its fulfillment.
Where we place our focus will do much to determine our attitude and our level of success for the Lord. In this lesson,
we will see Peter and his fellow disciples going through a storm, Peter's unusual step of faith, and the consequences of
turning one's focus from the Lord.
Priorities are an integral part of daily existence. The Lord Jesus set the example of placing the will of God first and foremost in His life, and in this lesson we will see His forceful rebuke of Peter's seemingly well-meaning attempt to get Him off track from His duty to God and fallen mankind.
Jesus takes Peter, James, and John up to a mountain, and there they witness Christ's marvelous transfiguration. Peter once
again speaks up impulsively, and the Father Himself responds, commanding that His Son be paid proper reverence.
A rich young ruler comes to Jesus and asks what he needs to do to have eternal life. Jesus first points him to the commandments of Moses; but then leads him to understand that it is actually his heart that must be surrendered. The ruler went away sorrowful because he couldn't have it all both here and hereafter. Peter speaks up once again, wondering how he and his fellow disciples would be rewarded for their sacrifices. Jesus assures him that it will be worth it all.
Jesus knew His time with His disciples was growing short. It was vital that they learn how to carry on after His departure.
By example, He taught them a lesson in both humility and cleansing.
On the night of His betrayal, the Lord Jesus Christ took His disciples Peter, James, and John into the Garden of Gethsemane. Through His own example and by exposing their own weakness, He taught them a lesson on prayer.
Jesus predicted that His disciples would all desert Him in His hour of trial. Peter spoke for them all, stating that he would be willing to die for the Lord and would never forsake Him. Jesus told Peter directly that he would deny Him three times, and it happened just as Jesus had said it would.
Judas arrives with the soldiers and an accompanying mob and betrays Jesus with a kiss. To the surprise of the disciples, Jesus meekly submits to arrest. Peter, disregarding the odds that are up against him, draws his sword and slashes off the ear of the high priest's servant. Amazingly, Jesus rebukes Peter and heals the servant, and is led away to face trial.
Now that Jesus had been crucified, and not knowing what
else to do at this point, Peter and several of the remaining
disciples go fishing. They are reminded once again that without
the Lord, they can do nothing. Much as He had done
early in their education, Christ gave them a miraculous catch.
With this, they knew the Lord had fully returned to them,
and with love and compassion Christ shows Peter the way
to return to Him.
Peter had been used by God to bring the gospel of Christ to the Gentiles, and now he freely fellowshipped with them
as fellow believers. But when the unbelieving Jews came around,
Peter feared their disapproval to the point of turning
his back on the Gentile Christians. Peter's two-faced actions influenced the behavior of the Jewish Christians as well. Paul administered a stern and public rebuke to Peter.
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