Jesus used two simple objects to illustrate our role as Christians-salt and light. Both have unique qualities and fulfill important functions that should be demonstrated by Christians in the world today.
God has given us the privilege of representing Him. By understanding the basic functions of salt and light and by applying their attributes to our daily lives, we will be able to fulfill God's purpose for our lives.
A farmer's job is not easy, but it is rewarding! As God's harvest field laborers, we must be willing to prepare the ground, obedient to plant the seed and prune the crops, and ultimately, diligent to possess the harvest that the Lord gives.
The Bible describes the Christian life as a battle, and we as soldiers are privileged to serve under the greatest Captain ever-with an assured victory! We should be motivated to the highest standard of excellence.
As a Christian runner, we have the privilege of running the course God has designed for each of us. With a prize before us and our weights behind, strive every day to throw every ounce of our energy into winning the race!
Our Shepherd is ever vigilant and is always available in our times of distress. He has provided us with His unfailing promises to encourage our hearts and strengthen our faith. What a joy it is to belong to such a Shepherd as Jesus Christ!
Sheep have a special relationship with their shepherd that is characterized by dependence (on the part of the sheep) and dependability (on the part of the shepherd). This is a picture of the relationship our Good Shepherd wants to have with us. He invites us to come to Him for every need we have.
A disciple is a pupil-one who learns from another's teachings. As Christians, we are disciples of Christ and have an important relationship with the Master Teacher. As disciples, we must be ready to fulfill our three-fold purpose: to answer the call to be a follower of Jesus Christ, to accept criticism joyfully, and to relay the Good News to others.
What a privilege to be the bride of Christ! With such a privilege, we should prepare diligently for His return. He desires that we would come to Him in the same way that a bride comes to her groom, "holy and without blemish." Our proper response is to love Him in return for His action of love on Calvary.
The concept of being a servant is an indispensable part of the Christian walk. Faithful, whole-hearted service is the joyous privilege of God's children. The attitude of a servant has two spheres: what he is supposed to be (inward qualities) and what he is supposed to do (outward actions). When he strives to be who he is supposed to be, it will be much easier to do what he is supposed to do. Decide today, to serve the Lord whole-heartedly and enthusiastically.
God has allowed us to build relationships with others to sharpen, encourage, and challenge one another to walk closer to Him and fulfill His purpose for our lives. A true friend is a precious treasure, and we have the opportunity to be that true friend for others. Jesus Himself is our greatest, most faithful Friend. When we extend His love to others, we can help our friends grow in their relationship with the Lord.
Somewhere in the salutation of nearly all of Paul's epistles he mentions "God our Father." No matter what may have been the main subject of the letter, Paul wanted the believers to know first of all that God was their Father. Living in the light of that close relationship with the Lord allows everything else to fall into place. We must strive to be the right kind of children in order to be the fulfilled Christians God wants us to be.
An ambassador represents his leader in a foreign land. Christ has given us the privilege of representing Him here on this earth. He has given us privileged access to Him, a powerful defense against attacks of our adversary, and the ability to accomplish our assignment. Our assignment as the Lord's ambassador is to go and preach the Gospel to all nations. Our time is limited, so with all haste we must fulfill the one assignment to which we are called.
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